28: Front Row Life with Jon Vroman
Jon Vroman inspires others to Live Life In The Front Row™ by teaching the art of moment making. He is an award-winning speaker, #1 bestselling author of The Front Row Factor, podcast host and founder of Front Row Foundation, a charity creating front row experiences for individuals who brave life-threatening illnesses. In this episode:
- How to learn the art of being interested and interesting
- Why Rudy is the best inspirational movie ever
- A soul check: How do I give back and contribute to society?
- Front Row Foundation – Creating epic life experiences for those who need it the most
- Why it is important to be in the front row of someone else’s life stage
- Kickstart fundraising for a charity with a double marathon
- Adventure is not convenient & how a changed mindset can change results
- Hope for the future and celebrating the past gives us power in the present
Jon is the author of “The Front Row Factor” and travels the country inspiring others to consciously create experiences and celebrate the meaningful moments of life. You can find out more about him at www.frontrowfactor.com