65: Creating Value by Being Unapologetically Herself with Corrie LoGuidice

Corrie LoGuidice overcame endured the grief of miscarriage, divorce, and the loss of a loved one to suicide in the span of 4 years. Today, she runs a coaching practice that teaches other survivors of adversity to find emotionally fulfilling lives and manage value driven businesses. In this episode:

  • Becoming SVP of the family business, but doing so by earning the position
  • How to earn respect from non-relative coworkers who use to know Corrie as a child
  • Miscarriage, abuse within a relationship, divorce, and loss of a loved one from suicide within 4 years
  • Learning how to process and accept grief while remaining open with other coworkers
  • How the birth of her son opened her eyes to the abusive relationship she was living in
  • Overcoming miscarriage by talking about it openly with others
  • Blindsided by the shock of suicide by her boyfriend
  • Why suicide cannot be compared to any other type of grief
  • Finding help in a suicide loss survivor group
  • Jumping into the coaching world of entrepreneur – coaching survivors of adversity create value driven businesses
  • How helping someone on social media defeat suicidal thoughts turned into one of her best employees
  • “Be unapologetically myself”

You can learn more about Corrie at www.corrielo.com and on social media @iamcorrielo