26: Custodian Work Meets Lifelong Achievement
Michael Vaudreuil lost everything in the 2008 recession and took the best opportunity in front of him at the time which was a custodian position at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He took classes by day and cleaned floors by night over 8 years to earn his degree in mechanical engineering. His story went viral and he was immediately hired by a huge aerospace engineering company right after college. In this episode:
- The effects of the 2008 financial crisis
- How unconditional support in a marriage can transform someone’s life
- Taking classes and taking a custodian job at 46 years old
- The fuel that kept him pursuing his degree
- What it feels like to walk across the graduation stage after 8 years of academic work
- Walking through the cancer diagnosis of a spouse
- Why choosing the best opportunity in front of you tends to be the correct way to go
You can reach out to Michael on his facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/michael.vaudreuil.3